To the lover reading this...

The Black Enigma in its raw form is a place where artist are seen, heard, and felt. This is a place where lovers of art drown in creative stimulation.


MIND to Canvas/נֶפֶשׁ/

The mind is where dreams and nightmares are created, but as an artist I see it all the same. The goal is to translate the mind into something tangible. We’d love to see your tangible mind.

If you’re interested in being an artist at The Black Enigma Showcase click the link to access the Artist Submission page.

Spoken Word/דָּבָר/

Poetry, story telling, venting, therapy its all the same. We create for a release; like holding your breathe. Its our exhale.

If you’re interested in being a featured poet at The Black Enigma Showcase send us an email and/or DM us on Instagram.


We want to keep the conversation flowing and what’s better than a glass of wine to smooth things out? If you would like to be our wine supplier or host The Black Enigma at your establishment shoot us an email !! We want to support local businesses.

Also here’s a survey. We want to know some of your favorite wines.

The Mission

applaud seasoned artist, encourage new artist,

Build community, give back


appreciate the courage it takes to create and share.



Build with passion

The Black Enigma is dedicated to creating relationships between the artist and their community.

We strive to be a place that not only entertains but educates as we build a haven for creatives to express on a platform that respects their craft.

We promise to look for new and small businesses to host our art shows in the DFW and the surrounding areas.


 The Tribe Speaks.

Why I create?

“Because it’s connected to my sanity.“ -Kiahchism

“To inspire, to instruct, and to uplift.“ -Canvantemoore

“I write because I have no choice; because it is my truest voice.“ -Saint_issa

“So I won’t kill anyone lol. Just kidding. I write to calm my spirit. Relax my mind.“ -Thenaturalpoett

“The Feeling I get from creating is amazing.“ -illakriss

“Catharsis mane, catharsis“ -Whatamiller

“Cause I spit hot fire that can’t be contained in my brain.“ -Waterbed.bev

“To keep track of this crazy dream we call life!“ -Yezidance